Monday, February 5, 2007

Rehearsal 02/04

FasHioN sHOw

Yesterday's rehearsal was F.U.N.! All of us were asked to bring our costumes to the rehearsal. Well.. it didn't turn out that satisfactory for our director. Many of us have to find for new ones and bring them to Tuesday's rehearsal. Congrats to Patrick and Ken Ming though. Theirs were totally f.i.n.e.. (Haiz.. Why does everything always go so smoothly for that T.A.N. K.E.N. M.I.N.G.!)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

And The Award Goes To..

Our Director (24/01):
1. The most improvement award : Alicia
2. The funniest actual actor award : Lukas
3. The funniest non-actual actor award : Ding Dong
4. The taking too fast award : Lukas

Wow, Lukas is the biggest winner of the night! (so proud of MY mansor!)

Our Director (25/01):
1. The best improvement award : Wee Vien
2. The best actress award : Michelle

Can't wait to know who gets the awards on the 30th! =p

Lily Ling

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rehearsal 20/01/07

Hmm.. well, we started late because some of our cast members went to the rescue of some guy who got stuck in the law faculty building.

Ben didn't kill himself (or more importantly us) after this rehearsal.

It was very hot in the auditorium.

Aaron bought me a McDonalds apple pie and gave me his free ice-cream.

I found out Aaron has to wear tights on the day. Ha-ha.

I think Ben lost weight during the holidays.

Alicia is crazy cos she walks around Cambridge without a jacket or coat.

Lukas was really funny this rehearsal. But obviously I can't say why..

Err.. it was fun?
This post is so boring.
And decidedly unPenelope-like.
Sorry Jia Yi, I tried heehee


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Malaysian Night 2007

It’s Malaysia Night once again, and the Cambridge University Malaysia Society Committee this year is staging a grand reworking of “Romeo and Juliet.” Two hours before the curtains are raised, everything is in pieces – not least the entire team staging the play.

The most repulsive thing ever seen to (wo)mankind plays Juliet, an understudy pines for the handsome but mentally-challenged jock, and the club president plots to sabotage the show in the name of the country. Also, a set of twins create wayang kulit war, Romeo can’t seem to remember any of his lines at all, and a very confused Fairy Godmother happens to crash the practice.

Will there be resolve, or will the whole night go down in flames? A winning show must be fashioned in two hours, from a group of mismatched troublemakers no less.

In an absurdly (and also purely) Malaysian fashion, The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet combines screwball comedy, melodrama, Manglish and a lot of nasty people in close contact with each other.

It is also expected to win the Tony Award this year. (Malaysia Boleh!)